Loss from F&O trading and Audit

Department is changing rules, information disclosing requirements,  processing patterns etc. It’s time to disclose all Income/gains and losses in your ITR. Select the correct ITR  and disclose correct information to avoid future litigation.

I am answering here some questions which are frequently asked.. Read more....

F&O trading:  Is it creating a financial hole? 

Most people waste huge amounts of money in F&O trading before realizing F&O trading is not their cup of tea. F&O trading tests your mental and emotional balance.

Some traders who do revenge trading to set off the earlier losses and incurred more losses during the revenge trading. This should not be a way. You are putting more money at risk and resulting loss at the end. It could lead to a debt trap or create a hole in your financial health. Read more......

FAQs on Form 10BD Statement to be filed by Trust and Institutes   Read more......

CBDT ने धारा 139(1) और नियम 12AB के सातवें प्रावधान के तहत (Income tax return ) आय की विवरणी भरने की नई शर्तों को अधिसूचित किया
नया प्रावधान वित्तीय वर्ष 2021 -22 , कर निर्धारण वर्ष 2022 -23 से लागू होगा। ऐसे व्यक्ति जिनकी आय कर सीमा Rs.2,50,000 से कम हैं, किन्तु इन शर्तों के दायरे में आते है तो उन्हें income tax return भरना अनिवार्य होगा।  आगे पढ़े.......

Procedure to download profit and loss report for a tax calculation at Zerodha

One of the important document to calculate your tax from the trading income.

You can get the profit and loss report for a tax audit from Console , by following the instructions  Read more......

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